When people don't speak to each other, don't listen to each other or are rough with each other, the atmosphere at work can get very gloomy, fatigue is palpable, and projects get bogged down. Dysfunctional relationships consume a lot of resources (time, energy, money, health) that are not available for projects.
This has very concrete consequences for organisations: high turnover, burn out, long unexplained sick leave, conflicts, project delays, bad atmosphere, the list is long.
So what do we do? We consolidate the foundations for a joyful, fluid and effective collaboration by
- Strengthening relationships,
- Giving meaning to our common work,
- Fully embodying the organisation's stated values.
What does it enable? It provides a clear, caring and energising common framework, it gives security to everyone and it builds trust. This trust frees up talent and energy: it is the driving force behind all great achievements.
How do we get there? By cultivating certain skills and collective practices, such as learning to listen attentively to each other, daring to speak up, setting boundaries, embodying one's values in daily work, making the common vision explicit, openly addressing tensions, or knowing how to express thanks.
Creating spaces that are both secure and relaxed, where everyone can find their place, sharing postures and tools to support connection and therefore collaboration: this is what I love doing. Feel welcome!