Individual coaching
To clarify oneself, realign and regain capacity to actFor whom and why
Offering collaborators a confidential space where they can be heard in their challenges, relational difficulties and tensions at work, is a common sense investment.
What is the outcome?
These coaching times allow people to take a step back to find clarity, inner space and access to their own resources. They are more firmly rooted in themselves and can make choices and take actions that truly work for them. People usually feel more open, refreshed and relaxed. They regain their ability to take others into consideration, thus setting a more fertile ground for collaboration.
How does it concretely work?
- Sessions are held in English or French. People can also express themselves in German.
- Sessions either take place in person in Bern (7 minute walk from the SBB station) or via video call.
- Sessions are between 60 and 90 minute long.
Free quotation on request, after prior telephone discussion.
My practice is rooted in Non-Violent Communication (NVC) as modelled by Marshall Rosenberg and in listening to our Multiple Inner Aspects (M.A.I.) as modelled by Issâ Padovani.